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Super Taxman 2

Riverside, CA Taxman move over and make room for newer games the points, super eat Taxman second ST2 is described as a new and improved version of the original Taxman.

It's actually a very different version of the classic maze games. In this document, you're a cupcake-shaped tax collector has the undesirable job of collecting all matters of money trying to save his skin by angry citizens. Sounds simple enough? Well, not so fast! First, there are four brand new mazes, instead of the traditional maze game. And as if that was not enough, a man must have a sophisticated high-speed stage, complete (all three mazes) to win. Free Brian Fitzgerald, the author of the program has provided us with six points instead of four energy available.

Other features include a choice of level selection allows players to 80-9 levels, start and pause function to choose. For the young at heart, Mr. Fitzgerald gave us five little cartoons and a new hip. The cartoons before the game and at different levels, music can be considered, in contrast, appear throughout the game. Finally, as in Taxman, Taxman is super possible in black and white / color. The graphics are very well done, and the animation is virtually flicker-free. The sound is an exact carbon Taxman.

Instructions are included with the game, are short, but adequate. The keyboard commands are user-definable. N Joysticks Apple, but for the players of the game is the real Gismo an inexpensive device that allows you to use a joystick with Atari ST 2.

The Taxman Super Challenge points are energy wisely. It is not always easy to do when you have people in his little tail. A strategy I have found is trying to complete the maze instead of eating all the citizens, if they focus blue again. Although the maze chase games are over-exploited ST2 is a nice little game.